Comforting Winter Chili

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45 min
December 19, 2016, in ,

As we get into the colder season all I can think about is comfort foods that make me feel warm and cozy.  Today, it was particularly wet and cold outside and the whole family just wanted to curl up, watch a movie and enjoy something that would stick to our bellies.  Though it would be…

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Refined Sugar: Sneaky, Addictive, and Toxic

December 13, 2016, in

Refined sugar is now recognized as a major culprit for obesity and chronic disease in the United States and across the globe. The industrialization of the food system led to a dietary transition away from fruits and vegetables towards processed foods high in calories, saturated fat, salt, and sugar. In the 1980s, the low-fat movement…

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Easy Holiday Appetizers

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20 min
December 11, 2016, in

As we barrel into the holiday season there are a lot of opportunities to eat, drink and be merry!  We have a crazy schedule over these few weeks of festivities and I’m feeling both excited and overwhelmed at the same time.  I’m trying not to take on too much or create too many events that…

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Superfoods: Fact & Fiction

December 6, 2016, in

Flip through any lifestyle magazine, scroll through a foodie’s Instagram account, or peruse the health food aisle of your grocery store and you are bound to find ingredients touted as superfoods. Some of these ingredients will sound exotic (i.e., goji, maca, spirulina), while others more familiar (i.e., kale, coconut, flaxseed). The term superfood refers to…

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Moxy Invades England

December 1, 2016, in

Last week, the Moxy crew hit the road and flew over to the U.K. for the Thanksgiving break for our first ever family European trip.  The boys have been traveling with us since they were born, but this was by far the longest distance that we have ever tried to do with them and I’m so excited to…

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